Financial Coaching at WEN
To support women in achieving greater economic stability, Financial Coaching is a key part of WEN's services.
Financial Coaching is a free service that is available to clients of the Women's Employment Network, the Women's Business Center, as well as community members.
To contact a Financial Coach, click here.
Money Smart KC
Money Smart KC helps to promote financial capability and economic mobility for all consumers with a focus on low-to-moderate income individuals. Key Partners, both financial and in-kind, are essential to our ability to consistently provide and promote quality educational opportunities. Learn more about how YOU can support Money Smart KC and empower Kansas Citians to change their financial future.
Discover links to local and national experts, access to live support, events/classes near you and much more for providers AND consumers. Explore our website to find tips and tools on a variety of topics to help you manage and grow your money.
Do You Want to Understand and Improve Your Credit Score?
The Financial Inclusion Project of Metropolitan Kansas City (MKC) was created in October of 2012 with the goals of:
- Encouraging positive nontraditional credit lines to be reported to credit-reporting agencies (utilities, telecom, housing, etc.).
- Encouraging high school students to understand their credit before making decisions that impact it.
- Encouraging all adults in the Kansas City metropolitan area to review their credit report at least once a year, and understand how to improve their credit score.
- And much more.
The Financial Inclusion Project of MKC wants you to fight identity theft and improve your credit score by encouraging you to monitor and review your credit report for free.
Order a free booklet about how to improve your credit score.
Access a variety of tools that can help you learn about credit and improve your credit score.